Arc began Burnstream Court in 2002 to honor his late wife, Mary, who bought their first Airstream. Since that time Arc's vision has continued to grow and extend the joy of Silver so that each year the Burnstream Court community grows even more diverse! We are a very loosely organized group of Airstream aficionados who collectively call the Black Rock desert home for one week of the year.
In 2002 Arc, our founder, rounded up four Airstreams and their entourages at Burning Man. The camp was informally dubbed Camp Burnstream; it was near 7:25 and Fantail. We had a fantastic time together and decided to spread the word of Silver. We did it again in with 10 silver twinkies, 2004 with 11, 2005 with 13, 2006 with 23+ and 2007 with over 33 Airstreams. We emulate Burning Man's example of community and organize our theme camp through volunteers and the collaborative involvement of everyone.
The real success of a theme camp comes from ALL the contributions, each and every one of us bring. However, we still have decisions to make, logistics to plan and applications to file with the Burning Man organization. To that end we've designated a core group of people to coordinate activities in our theme camp, the group is collectively known as the "Elders" (What a hoot!). Anyway, the "Elders" are: Arc/Mary, Monte/Anne, Chris/April, Stan, Dan/Kelly, Paul/Kurt and Carmella/Ruth. If any previous Burnstreamers would like to join this group, please let us know so that we can talk to you in more detail.