Welcome to Burnstream Court 2006
Our Center Camp Pole
The RR Crossing to the other side of the tracks - the Hood
D'Allen wishes...
Briny and Bros Camp
Donnie's setup
David's home on the playa
All our signs, pointing to our off playa homes.
Aja & Tim - some of the first to arrive
Tinman & Kurt - Can somebody say Brokeback Mtn...
Stan & Bill
Harold & Carrie
Robin handing out snow cones
Stephen & Donnie
Kurt & Gudrun
Stan & Gladys
We caught Stan working - really!
See Proof!
Anne & her beautiful Harp. What a sound memory.
Sunset in BSC
Monte's home off playa
Scott - the Wineman fire performance at BSC
Our Potluck Party - After a Hellish Windstorm!
What a blast we had.
Fond Memories by all.
The Dudes are Abiding - Monte & Jango
Briny's lookin pained
No, he's just being himself.
Now, here's a pair.  Briny & Arc
It's the Brokeback Banana Boys
Emmo - are you lost or can I locate you?
Tinman's sign lighting performance - OMG
You just never know what the hell your going to find!
Ssshhhh - Don't tell his Mom!
It's our carnival and Aja had the coolest outfit next to Anne.
There's Anne in the background.  Recognize her...
Hooping by all
Ping Pong anyone.
OK, the Sign Lighting Performances keep getting better and more X-rated.
This is NC-17. Adults only. That means we had to send Monte inside.
The show never ends.
Even through the dust, these flutist played.
Dan - the best legs in BSC!
Sunset in BSC
Some of the last to leave...
Bye, Bye Monte
Until next year, keep the love burning...