:: Ray's Periodic Rantings ::Political blurtings, personal notes, musings and more from a Chicago area Mac guy, neon artist, Burner, remarried widower, and now father. | ||||||||||
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:: Thursday, October 31, 2002 :: Happy Halloween!:: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 :: I had Ryan, the boy I mentor, tonight. To celebrate Mary's birthday, we went to Kampai, the Japanese steak house that Mary and I frequented, along with Angie, a friend that Mary and I had met together at a party a couple of years ago. Angie and I had a nice conversation, and Ryan was happy...the cooking show impressed him, and he got to have the meat that he obsesses about, filet mignon, and shrimp, too! Happy birthday, Mary! Today, Tuesday, is Mary's birthday. It will be quiet day, I hope. I don't know what more to say other than that on this day, 34 years ago, a kickass woman was born to this world. I wish she was still here.:: Monday, October 28, 2002 :: Saturday night I had a great time celebrating two birthdays, James' and Elizabeth's, at Elizabeth's 40th birthday costume party. I resurrected the neon suit from Burning Man this year, and got a polaroid of it this time, along with a couple of others::: Friday, October 25, 2002 :: I just heard that Senator Paul Wellstone died in a plane crash along with his wife, a daughter, and some staffers. I am stunned. As I have written here, I met him a few months ago at a fundraiser and I was impressed. I thought the world of him, what he stood for, and how he fought for it. Today is a sad day for Minnesota, for the Senate, for America, and for me.:: Sunday, October 20, 2002 :: Friday night I went to see Amon Tobin, a DJ, at the Metro with Julian and Alan. DJing isn't what it used to be. These days, DJs make rich, complex sounds by combining a variety of sources together in real time. Tobin makes music that is available on CD in a variety of genres, but in concert takes his own music and uses it as just part of a larger, multi-layered, live composition. Intricate rhythms and musical phrases are woven together with noise -- lots of it -- loud, not cacophanous (depending on your point of view, I suppose), but organized. He takes the old Phil Spector term, "wall of sound," to new orders of magnitude. In about an hour I went from not knowing much about him to being a fan. A couple of the guys that opened for him were pretty good, too.:: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 :: I had one of those, "Wow, I really feel like an adult," moments last night. I was up late, sewing patches onto a boy scout uniform for the kid I mentor. Then I put stain remover on a few spots and ran them through the wash. Does anyone out there know of a stain remover that actually works?:: Monday, October 14, 2002 :: I don't write an entry for a week and a half, and what happens? The Senate passes Prez Bush's war authorization! Ack! He is due to sign it this week. Once he does, he can start bombing Iraq, send in the troops, whatever, whenever he wants. He can put our sons and daughters and innocent Iraqi civilians in harms way, this former National Guard pilot who went AWOL during the Vietnam war. We have just given him a blank check. I don't know anyone who thinks this is a good idea, yet somehow we all let it happen. Scary.:: Thursday, October 03, 2002 :: When I am bummed, I tend to not eat. Not eating leaves me hungry, which makes me even more bummed. A good way to break this vicious cycle is to fire up a nice big pot of my own chili, and serve myself a bowl topped with a heap of shredded sharp cheddar. That's what I did tonight. Mmmmm mmm! Good stuff.
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